I can only write when I am in a good state of mind. Although I know some writers claim they write to improve their mental health. I am also a musician, and I know that making music can change, and does improve my mental state of mind. We are all individuals and unique. I don't think there is one answer for everyone.

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This is a fascinating topic to consider. I find that since I write nonfiction, I'm constantly monitoring the world around me for would-be writing fodder. In a way, that can make me more mindful or present as I take in those inputs. Yet if I then proceed to form them into stories or ideas or even sentences for my writing in my mind, which I often do, then I'm taking myself out of the moment. Feeling the need to catalog every single thing that could be used in your writing could certainly drive you a bit crazy and I imagine it could impinge on your mental health if not balanced or managed properly.

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