Sep 2, 2023Liked by Cole Feldman

Lovely post which I identify with a lot, especially as I am at the start of the adventure when it comes to chasing the idea life and building more financial independence through side businesses. Please let me know if you'd ever be interested in having a small interview, would love to collaborate and share your thoughts with my (small) audience!

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Thanks for the comment, Mike! And congrats on starting your adventure! Happy to chat more. Is it possible to send a DM through Substack? Not sure how that works. Might be easier just to send me a message via any of the social platforms I have linked on my Substack page. LinkedIn is the one I'm most likely to see.

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I appreciate the hustle! I've been making my own money exclusively for 20 years, and for the 10 years before that, I had one hand in the "making money for other people" ring while working my way up. You can do this.

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Thanks for the encouragement! 🙏

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