Thought-provoking. When writing in first-person, it is hard to avoid using I. It doesn't bother me as it is appropriate and perfectly natural if you are writing about yourself. Using literary gymnastics to avoid using I seems unnecessary to me. But if using I frequently bothers you, and is necessary for your own well-being, then you should do what you have to do. You do you.

I also find lengthy detailed descriptions boring most of the time. For me, the characters and the story are the draw, and more important than any commonly-accepted grammar "rules" or formulas. If you need to use I, use I. I don't care. I really don't. I won't be offended. I am fine with I. I like I. I am an I. I am rambling. I will stop. 😉

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I'm wondering if I partially inspired this piece by my use of the 2nd person in some of my writing. I certainly notice when I overuse the word 'I' like I am in this sentence. I especially notice it when I start two sentences in a row with 'I' like I just did too.

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Your use of I is a fit for me. :)

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