Sitemap - 2021 - Something Daily

Taking a break

Chaos in the kitchen

Discovering my own existence

Mailbox man

My brother's theory about heaven and hell

The sound of the dryer in the laundry room


My vision's getting worse

This morning on the cusp of winter

Standing desk

An evolutionary argument for the spiritual concept of oneness

Gate A17 at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport

Saturday night in Phoenix

Friday night in Phoenix

A nightmare of demonic possession

An animal by the tree line at night

The feel of my feet on the ground

To the man with his back turned at the restaurant

The use of "I" in writing

The smell of air

The blue pen on my desk

Grass massacre

Our backyard in Kansas on the first of December

At the shooting range

What separates a dream from reality


Making tea before bed

Snake stories

Metaphysical skepticism

Getting sunburned while on vacation

The rest, we make up

Thinking too much

I went out after dark tonight

Like saying the word silence

Reminder to add jelly to the grocery list

I'm more afraid of heights

Stray cat in the city

Porno mag

Hubcap not human

It helps to take breaks when writing


Dog barking



Night run

Little leavings

Virtual behavior in a physical world

How quickly things seem to be in their places

The trees undress as we bundle up

I was feeling ambitious yesterday

Decisions, decisions

How I met (the girlfriend I had before) your mom

Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut

The exclamation point gets a bad rap

Psychedelic doorbell

Problems with authority

Running until I stop thinking

Condensation on the shower door

They just don't get it

In the laboratory

It's $7.25 for a load of laundry in San Francisco

Becoming her own character

Woah music woah

I picked my nose in private from then on

Should have just left it

The simplicity of coaching cross country

The best bite of oatmeal I've ever had

Hmm, I never thought about it like that

This isn't about a car crash

Digging up a boxwood shrub in the front garden

Is writing disrupting my mindfulness?

Too much me

What I hear while lying in bed in the dark at 6:10 a.m.

A 50/50 gamble on a hot night

This should have been painted

Closed-eye hallucinations are called phosphenes

Beauty is her

Sunny side

Dharana: better than a nightlight

Swarner Park in October

It was 80 and sunny in Shawnee today

Part monkey, part mole

Maybe they were pondgulls

That had been his nickname for her

When an unstoppable thumbtack meets an impenetrable wall

Her father’s daughter

Felt good today

Imaginary friend

You can lead an abstinent horse to water

The well-fed artist

A game of glances

Why fiction writers tell lies

Human encyclopedia

A portrait of the artist as a precocious girl in the park

Holy man on the plane to Salt Lake City

An afternoon at Alta Plaza Park in San Francisco

Our first morning in Leavenworth

The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac

The unemployed, nomadic writing life

She might not be here when I come back

The song of four friends playing cards

Eyes closed on the ride back from Icicle Gorge


The last chip on my shoulder

Looking forward less

Hello, world!