Sitemap - 2022 - Something Daily

What is psychotherapy?

How can we expand access to therapy?

Why I'm studying mental health

Medication and psychotherapy: usage and effectiveness in treating mental illness

More than half of U.S. adults with a mental illness do not receive treatment

Coffee and gum

Sidewalking on a cold, rainy morning

When god became man

Demand for therapy increased during the pandemic

Remembering who I am at the airport

What is Authentic Relating? And why it's so important now

Life is art and you are the artist

A day spent atop a rock formation in Joshua Tree

You never get it done

A splendid second

An argument against Buddhism: desire is inevitable

How to feel better

Focus on your desires, not your goals

Starting a business that helps people feel good

Thoughts are just sounds

Your feelings indicate your alignment

Seeing sound

I desire to feel good

What is manifestation?

Simple things

Woke up early this morning

Performance art in everyday life

It all intersects

The advice of the old man

Ephemeralness as a quality of beauty

Secondary emotion

Starting my education in metrical verse

Dare to be the artist

All good on the dance floor

First puff of a cigarette

The guitarist in the park

Catching a vibe

When she's gone

Finishing dinner at A Despensa

Getting drunk for less than ten euros

Drinking as the sun sets in Porto

Last night

Silent muse

Wide awake wondering

Playing the present game

Again, thinking about the connection between my writing and my spiritual practice

Lamp shades softly shaking

Cars from far away

Men at work

Graceful power

Talking to yourself is part of loving yourself

Waiting for bugs

Guy with new shoes

Shoeless in the sun at a day rave

Trying to write at the dance club



Silent white room at night

Two See Bee at Halcyon

You're my drug

What a game, what a life

Fear is the heart killer

This too shall pass

What can death teach us about how to live?

Taking responsibility for my emotions

Meditating on my back pain

When to trust my body and when to trust my mind

Trading the real present for an imagined future

Is this peace?

I don't know what I feel until I write it down (and then I still don't)

Judging my thoughts

Cyclical attachment and death

More efficient energy usage when going with the flow

A meditation on meditation

Going with the flow versus taking control

Why are we still working?

Circumnavigating the pain of loss by dying small deaths

Work-life balance and the future of work

My effort to channel more of my energy into love

Remote work is changing how we experience community

Miss you still

Continued reflection on the relationship between my writing and my spiritual practice

An enlightening conversation with an awakened human being at the dance club last night

How to write what you mean

My experience taking a self-administered sabbatical

F*ck finding your niche